Hope you guys enjoy watching LOST ISLAND! One of the many little projects we have put together this year!

Starring one of my best friends
Vincent Cyr
(also has a hilarious youtube channel! check it out!

Me, my camera, my buddy Jonathan, and no lighting what so ever 🙂 but we were pretty happy with the ability of the RED tho!

Total project time start to finish = 4 days

I really hope y’all liked this short film promo I made! Its for a longer project I’d love to make for you in the future, if you want that?
But i’ve been wanting to put my all into something for a long time now, and thought I could do it by creating a world and dialogue that was symbolic of feelings we all go thru, being lost. The process of making this film helped me through a lot, and I thought maybe you could relate!
But this film, in its style and tone, is exactly the type of film i’d love to spend the rest of my life making, but of course in a larger format! So if you’ve read this far, leave a comment down below and leave a new film idea, “just a sentence or two” and maybe ill make it 🙂 I’d love to have y’all be apart of the stories I make! Anyway, until next time, I love ya xx